JC Penny has recently taken a new stance on their marketing and sales strategy. They've decided that instead of having constant sales, they will move to a more steadfast strategy. This store will now have regular price items, monthly sale items, and clearance items. They'll be getting away from daily and weekly deals in an attempt to increase their margin. While I don't think that this strategy will work out great for them, I do think they need to change their current strategy.
Big box stores like JC Penny have been getting killed over the past decade or so. They have very high overhead costs and a lot of competition. Smaller stores could not compete with these large stores when they first came out. These large stores could afford to sell at a lower price point and they could afford to stock large inventories. Unfortunately for them, they are no longer in this position anymore. Small and innovative online companies have been able to run their operations with minimal overhead. This has allowed them to offer even better prices than the big box stores can.
Have you noticed that the fashion blog for women never write long articles or make great videos on clothing they bought at the local Macy's or Sears. This is because they aren't buying from these stores and neither are most of the fashionistas out there.
These stores were once great, but these days they are really only good for two types of people. The first type is the person that has waited until the last minute and needs to buy something and get it the same day. The next type of person is the person that has to try their item on before they buy it. These people probably won't buy much online and are not very price sensitive.
The savvy shopper however, wants to get great deals all of the time. They don't want to wait for monthly sales and they don't want to buy the clearance items that nobody wants. Lets face it, the clearance rack usually isn't full of great clothing that people want to buy. The clearance rack is usually full of ugly shirts and pants that are cut so horribly that they won't fit anybody correctly.
One way to get a fantastic bargain each and every day is to simply go to a fashion flash sale . These flash sites are always providing their viewers with the latest and greatest deals. Every time you visit one of these sites, you'll instantly know whats on sale and what isn't. Its no surprise that these sites are dramatically increasing their sales while the old big box stores are dramatically losing their sales.
The old model probably just isn't going to work anymore. Big box stores are going to have to let go and shift their focus into their online stores. They can still have local stores, but rather than reducing sales, they should probably just eliminate them altogether. They'll still be able to take advantage of last minute shoppers and people that don't want to go online. Also, they can use these stores to accept returns and exchanges from online shoppers.
posted by Fashionistas on the go on Stores To Stay Away From When Shopping For Daily Shopping Discounts
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